5 Reasons Why Employers Should Consider Remote Working

When we think of an office, we usually imagine a building in which all employees of a given organization gather. We also take for granted that the number of employees physically present will usually outnumber the number working remotely at any one time. But what if this isn’t necessarily true? What if remote working was actually better for organizations? And why would it be better for employers?

A better work/life balance for employees

  • Reduced stress. While many employers are concerned about the health of their employees, remote working can actually help reduce stress by providing flexibility and freedom to work from home or another location that suits you best. This is especially true for people who are struggling with mental health issues, because they have more control over their environment and how they manage their workloads.
  • Better health: The ability to make healthy choices while on the job means less time spent at the office—and it could have a significant impact on your health in other ways as well! If you enjoy physical activity outside of work (e.g., hiking), being able to do so while working remotely will increase both your quality of life and productivity levels at once—think about how much more fun it would be than driving around town looking for parking spots every morning!
  • Better relationships: Working from home can create more opportunities for social interaction, which is important for your mental health. Increased exposure to people outside of work means you have more chances to connect with others and make friends—and it also helps you avoid feelings of isolation that are common among remote employees.
Miniature of a person standing between wooden blocks spelling the words work and life

Reduced costs for employers:

When you consider the many benefits of remote working, it’s easy to see why employers should take advantage of this option.

  • Reduced costs for employers:
  • Office space. Office space is relatively expensive and can be a significant cost driver for companies when they want to hire employees. By reducing your office footprint, you can save on rent and utilities—and potentially get more bang for your buck!
  • Reduced costs for employees: By reducing your office footprint, you can save on rent and utilities—and potentially get more bang for your buck! Reduced costs for employees: Less time spent commuting daily or weekly (or even monthly) will reduce travel expenses associated with commuting time spent each day/weekend; this could also lead to less stress during commutes because workers aren’t stuck in traffic jams or stuck behind someone who cut them off while driving down the highway at high speeds like some drivers do.

Increased employee productivity

Increased employee productivity is one of the biggest benefits of working remotely. Employees can work from home, or a coffee shop, or even just a library. This allows them to fit their work around their schedule and not have to be at the office at 9am when they’d rather be sleeping in until noon. Even better than that: you don’t have to pay for expensive parking spaces!

Some employees may not feel comfortable being away from their colleagues due to cultural differences in communication or lack thereof (especially if you’re hiring from another country). With remote working there’s no shortage of support networks available online so it’s easy for HR managers and supervisors alike; just set up a Slack channel where everyone knows what everyone else needs help with—and make sure all employees have access.

Higher morale within teams

  • Remote workers are more likely to work longer hours.
  • Remote workers are more likely to work harder.
  • Remote workers are more likely to be loyal and appreciate their employers, even when times are tough or a job market is competitive.
  • Remote workers tend to be more productive than those working in offices; this can translate into higher levels of output for the company as a whole.
  • Remote workers tend to be creative, which helps them come up with new ways of doing things that may not have occurred otherwise—and that’s exactly what you need when trying new things out! Remote workers are more likely to be willing to take on new challenges and responsibilities. They have a lower attrition rate, which means fewer people quitting the job. Remote workers tend to be better at problem-solving, because they’re often working on their own or with only one other person (who is also remote).

Having a toxic environment at your company may lead to depressed, unsatisfied and unproductive employees.

Greater attraction of top talent to an organization

In today’s workforce, employees want to work from home. They don’t want long commutes and traffic that makes their commute more than 30 minutes. They also don’t want to be stuck in an office with other people who gossip or talk about them behind their backs, since the company environment is one of the most important things when we talk about employee retention, and having a toxic environment at your company may lead to depressed, unsatisfied and unproductive employees.

While it may seem like a lot of extra effort for employers to accommodate remote workers, they will get back more than they invest in the long run because they’ll attract top talent who are looking for opportunities outside of traditional offices while other employers nagging about how unskilled their interviewees are and in the other hand their employers themselves are too lazy to implement anything new that may benefit their corporation and their teams.

If you are thinking of implementing a remote working program, I would recommend that you do so with a well-designed plan. This will help ensure that both the organization and its employees are appropriately supported in transitioning to this new way of working together. A good starting point is by considering what benefits will be gained by both sides of the equation: employees get more time for themselves; employers can save money on hiring costs and higher employee productivity through better collaboration between teams and so on…, now you have 5 reasons to implement remote working in your company, will you take action?



Find out how worlk can help you get your remote working strategy to the next level: www.worlk.com