Here’s How You Can Improve Your Productivity When Working Remotely!


Technology is dramatically changing the way people work, facilitating 24/7 collaboration with colleagues who are dispersed across time zones, countries, and continents.

Technology now allows people to connect anytime, anywhere, to anyone in the world, from almost any device. This is dramatically changing the way people work, facilitating 24/7 collaboration with colleagues who are dispersed across time zones, countries, and continents. – Michael Dell

Picture this. You wake up at around 7:51 am. You’re in your pajamas, and your hair is all messy. You’re still processing that weird dream you just had. You have 9 minutes until your shift starts. You haven’t had breakfast yet, so you have a quick snack and drink your instant coffee, but it hasn’t kicked in yet. Your desk is a bit cluttered, and your dog made a mess in the room you’re working in. You have two minutes left and you’re about to clock in. You’re not really feeling it, but you push through because you have to pay the bills.

A few hours into your shift, you’re shifting uncomfortably in your seat and you’re trying to figure out why you’re not energetic and motivated to work. To make matters worse, you can’t find the file you were working on among your files. You’re just not feeling productive today and it affects your mood all day. At the end of your shift, you chat with your coworker who seems to be in a good mood after a long day of work, especially after handling their respective tasks successfully and efficiently and you’re left thinking of one question; what is your coworker’s secret to being productive and organized?

woman sitting on a couch during a meeting with a laptop on her legs

The respondents of study by Stanford reported higher levels of satisfaction with work and the attrition rates decreased by a staggering 50%.

If you’re reading this blog, then you’re probably wondering how you can be more productive as a remote worker. Since the rise of the pandemic, remote work (or work from home) has been encouraged as a means for companies to keep their businesses going. Now, remote jobs are sought after for various reasons, among them being the convenience they offer and the chance to travel to different destinations.

The findings of a recent study by Stanford that consisted of 16,000 workers proved that working from home increases productivity by 13%. The respondents also reported higher levels of satisfaction with work and the attrition rates decreased by a staggering 50%. So, because of the many benefits and positive outcomes that remote work offers, employees are looking for ways to make the overall experience more optimal and convenient for them to reap these benefits.

Whether you’re the employer or the employee, there are several things you need to make sure of when in the setting of a remote job. Generally, you have to be in the mindset of a person who goes to an actual office job to deliver your tasks optimally. So, you can’t wake up and work in pajamas all day without having a solid meal, work in a cluttered environment with distractions around you and expect to work in a productive manner.

Here is a list of tips and tricks you can use to improve your productivity as a remote worker.


So, before anything, you have to make sure you have enough time to start off your day right before clocking in. Whether you need 15 minutes or a whole hour to really get in the zone, make sure you make use of that time to be prepared for your shift. Having a healthy breakfast helps you feel energetic enough to go through your day. So, depending on your preferences and taste buds, you can either opt for a fulfilling oatmeal or a tasty omelet, as long it gives you that energy boost.

It’s preferable that employees get ready as though they’re going to an office job to be in the mindset of work, primarily because the world of remote work is still somewhat new to us, and since it became more utilized amid the pandemic.

While working in pajamas doesn’t necessarily affect productivity, a recent study showed that 59% of the participants who wore pajamas during the day reported a decline in their mental health while working from home. The fact of the matter is that wearing pajamas while working from home is simply linked to poorer mental health rather than productivity. While it’s good that it doesn’t affect productivity, it’s crucial to acknowledge that it impacts the employee’s mental health, which naturally leads to burn out and a decrease in the quality of the delivered tasks.

Therefore, it’s preferable that employees get ready as though they’re going to an office job to be in the mindset of work, primarily because the world of remote work is still somewhat new to us, and since it became more utilized amid the pandemic. So, whether you have to wear something work appropriate like a business casual outfit or have to do your hair and put makeup on, go for it!

Not only will you feel more prepared and in the ‘mindset’ of working, but it will also make you feel confident in your appearance rather than feeling sluggish in pajamas. So, these are some of the tips that will make you feel energetic and motivated to work.

woman dressed formally while watching a meeting with a kid next to her playing

Create a routine you stick to at the end of the day to keep yourself going. This ultimately depends on what you enjoy. You can probably blow off some steam and relax by getting some snacks and watching a movie with some friends, or you could opt for an endorphin-releasing workout session. This will keep you motivated and energized, making you look forward to finishing your shift. In between short breaks, to prevent any possible back pain, make sure to give these stretches a try to keep yourself comfortable in your seat.

Click Here for Helpful Back Stretches

To make sure you’re focused and concentrated on the tasks you’re given, use the Pomodoro Technique. This technique is a time management method that was developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. You basically have to focus on one task for 25 minutes and then give yourself a 5-minute break before repeating that cycle. This will help you keep yourself energized and disciplined.

Click Here for a Pomodoro Timer

Creating a comfortable home/remote workspace is highly essential in keeping your performance at its best.


As for the general atmosphere and setup, it’s important that everything is organized and neat, and most importantly in place. When everything is easily accessible and organized, you’ll avoid feeling overwhelmed and often unable to find what you need when you need it.

Creating a comfortable home/remote workspace is highly essential in keeping your performance at its best, as your comfort is what contributes to your productivity. Establishing a proper setup is what will maintain the quality of your work, and all this depends on your preferences and needs. Make sure the space you’re working in is well-lit, clean, and organized.

The desk you’re using for work should be at appropriate desk level where your body is aligned in a straight upright position, with the monitor of your computer set on eye level. Keep your wrists in a neutral position and consider adding a footrest if needed!

Keeping your files organized and the tools you’re using in one place also helps keep things easily accessible and neat.

To make sure everything is organized and clean, you can add a whiteboard and some sticky notes in the room. This can help you brainstorm or jot down various ideas and points, or even keep a to-do list on it. Keeping your files organized and the tools you’re using in one place also helps keep things easily accessible and neat.

If you’re going to be sat in a chair for long hours during your shift, I would suggest investing in an ergonomic chair to avoid back pain and physical discomfort. These are highly suitable for work as they are designed for maximum comfort and efficiency. These types of chairs usually have customizable features like height adjustability, lumbar support as well as seat depth.

As for noise or any sort of distractions, if you have any kids or pets that may lead to you to being distracted, make sure they’re taken care of with proper guidance.

Additionally, having ambient music in the background can help set the mood to focus on the required tasks. Investing in noise-cancelling headphones can help block out any distracting sounds. To avoid more external distractions such as mobile notifications and calls, make sure to mute the people that aren’t your coworkers or at least notify people and let them know to contact you in case of any dire emergency.

Having easy access to snacks and drinks is also essential as you may need to energize every once in a while.


If you’re the employer in this case, you can optimize productivity through various tools and cloud sharing software programs.

In this link, you will find some of the most reliable and suitable cloud sharing programs for work.

Click Here

For an overall healthy working environment, I would suggest setting lunch break calls to maintain the social aspect and dynamic that remote work may lack at times. This would keep work somewhat humane, and it would be a fun icebreaker/bonding moment between you and your coworkers where you can talk, socialize, get to know each other more, and possibly befriend each other.

It’s important to set up calls dedicated for constructive criticism to keep the working environment constantly improving.

For a proper communication channel system, consider referring to this link for reliable video conferencing tools that will help improve the communication between you and your team.

Click Here

Laptop being used during a video conference

Overall, these are the fundamental things to make sure of when working in a remote job setting. This way, you can make sure your performance is optimal while preventing some of the downsides that may come with the remote job. We hope you enjoyed this post and got some insight on how to improve your online work environment. After this, you’ll hopefully be able to work in the field that you love, from the comfort of your own home or from an appropriate desk space.

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